APPE is pleased to announce an annual call for papers and research proposals to be considered for the National Ethics Project’s Ethics Education Research Award. This award is sponsored by the Center for Leadership and Ethics at The University of Texas at Austin. Eligible submissions include a summary of works published in the previous year or proposals and papers submitted for presentation at the upcoming APPE annual conference.
Submissions should address important issues in the broad field of ethics education research including relationships of ethics and curriculum requirements in education, responsibilities of institutions to develop and/or support ethics education, assessment of ethics education, and evaluation of effective ethics education curricula and materials. All methodologies, including mixed methodologies, are invited.
Single and co-authored works are accepted as are works from students, faculty, and professionals. Applications may only be submitted for award consideration once. The winner will receive a certificate and a $500 cash award. The Association will withhold the award any year in which there is not a submission of appropriate quality. The National Ethics Project’s Ethics Education Research Award winner or representative is expected to be present at the APPE annual conference to receive the award.

Preference will be given to work that advances the field of ethics education research in new and insightful ways. Submissions will be evaluated based on:
- Originality
- Advancement of knowledge
- Clarity and consistency of thought
- Style and presentation